Productivity during confinement period: Portugal versus Brazil

Portugal versus Brasil




Working hours, Productivity, Family-Work Conflict, Professional motivation, Confinement period


This study aimed to analyze the impact of the number of working hours, the family-work conflict (FWC) and the motivation to start professional tasks on the productivity of employees, in telework regime, during the period of confinement resulting from the pandemic. COVID-19. 339 subjects participated, 60.2% Portuguese and 39.8% Brazilians. Data were collected using the Family-Work Conflict Scale and a set of sociodemographic questions. The results obtained allow us to verify that the number of working hours has a positive impact on productivity and that this relationship is mediated by FWC and motivation to start professional tasks. It was also concluded that this issue deserves special attention from organizations so that they can maintain productivity levels and ensure the motivation of workers, without this negatively affecting the family environment, because teleworking is expected to continue in closer times.


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How to Cite

Casimiro, R., Rodrigues, R., & Veloso, C. (2022). Productivity during confinement period: Portugal versus Brazil: Portugal versus Brasil. Revista Vianna Sapiens, 13(2), 32.

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