Liberdade de expressão & democracia

uma análise sobre a relação mutualística entre uma garantia fundamental e o sistema político participativo.




Fundamental rights, Freedom of speech, Democracy


This article seeks to establish a reflection on the strict relationship between the full exercise of the fundamental right to freedom of speech and the contemporary democratic ideal. The argument that the fundamental guarantee of freedom of speech is directly related to the democratic ideal will become evident, so that freedom of speech comes to be seen as a guarantor of democracy, presenting itself as a mechanism of self-government to the extent that it contributes to the formation of popular opinion on political issues. For this reason, the defense, guarantee and promotion of freedom of speech is one of the reasons why the State must be based and guided, under penalty of following another path, distorting its ultimate and main purpose, which is the protection of the human person in its entirety. To this end, the methodology used for its development will be bibliographical research, permeated by the survey of information and knowledge on the subject discussed in order to allocate these discussions on the fundamental right to freedom of speech and the democratic march, always with the aim of expanding the debate on the issues from the evidence of correlated information existing in different bibliographic materials already published which will then allow us to conclude the occurrence of a mutualistic relationship, that is, of beneficial dependence, between the fundamental right to freedom of speech and the democratic phenomenon.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Luiz de Mendonça Augusto, Faculdade de Direito do Sul de Minas

Advogado e Consultor juridico da empresa Mahle Metal Leve S.A. Especialista em Direito Processual e Material do Trabalho. Mestre em Direito Constitucional pela Faculdade de Direito do Sul de Minas- FDSM. Professor universitário.


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How to Cite

Luiz de Mendonça Augusto, G. (2022). Liberdade de expressão & democracia: uma análise sobre a relação mutualística entre uma garantia fundamental e o sistema político participativo. Revista Vianna Sapiens, 13(1), 37.

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